Monday, May 26, 2014

Bathing Beauties

No, not what you're probably thinking.  This is just a ***health care free*** posting of some pictures I've taken lately in the back yard of birds bathing in a tiny, unculverted run of an intermittent stream in our back yard (for some reason, about 15' are unculverted before running into the next culvert).  Seeing the yellow-rumped warbler (see the previous post for its picture) there made me start coming back and I discovered, after being here over 7 years, that is is a great spot to see birds - and particularly in the act of bathing.  Some of the pictures below really should be viewed side-by-side in sequence as diptychs or triptychs to really get a sense of the action and what is going on in the photo with motion and/or water blur.  I think they're kind of cool, but that's just me.  But since I don't know how to get blogger to put pictures side-by-side, they will just be sequential.

In no particular order:

1) in the catbird bath (albeit not the seat)

Tufted Titmouse bathing and then looking at me quizzically.

Chick-a-dese out! (sorry about that...)

Cleansing itself of a cardinal sin?

A bathing Carolina Wren.  I really like the second picture where it is completely submerged, but you need the preceding one to have a clue what it is.  And I like the high-speed tail-wagging with blurry lines, too.

I am really annoyed that these goldfinch pictures aren't better.  The male's glorious colors are washed out (which I could probably fix with some editing), but when he hopped over and I saw the female bathing there, too, it was awesome.  Except: 1) depth of field was too shallow, so the male is out of focus with the female in focus; and 2) there is some green leaf blurred in the foreground I didn't even notice when rapidly shooting but that really messes up the "couple" shots.

And a chipping sparrow.  I didn't manage to get any action shots.

That's it - this one's just for the birds.

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